get you some strategery

Overwhelmed & no clue what's next?

If you feel like you're aimlessly going through your day-to-day, with no clear direction...

You're not alone!

It's incredibly common to reach a point where you just have NO clue what to do next. All you want is someone to bounce ideas off of, who has been where you've been, and can provide sound direction. 

Introducing Targeted Strategy Sessions! Designed to peel back the cover of your business and problem-solve your specific issues! 

Sound good? Keep reading!



Perfect for a specific issue that you are ready to conquer! 


- Intensive Prepwork
- 90-minute Strategy Session*
Recorded Session Video
30-minute Post-Session Check-in Call

- Targeted Action Plan:
Next Steps

*for those local to central KY the session can be held in person

Investment $125 per session

targeted strategy

Book your session now

book your session now

topic suggestions include:

Brand Audit
Website Audit
Workflows & Systemization
Goal Setting & Implementation
Launch Strategy

Telling Your Brand Story
Finding & Reaching Your Ideal Client
Brand Messaging & Voice
Creating A Branded Experience

Or we can tackle a custom issue!

How it works







Pick Your Topic

Book Your Session

Session Prep

Tired of feeling overwhelmed? It's time to put your foot down and decide what the #1 priority is in your business. Pick from the listed topics (or make your own) and get ready for transformation!

To be officially booked and secure your spot on my calendar (happy dance!), you’ll need to select a date and time for your session, sign the contract, and make your full payment. 

If necessary (based on your topical selection), I will send over any prep work or things to be thinking about leading up to our session. A Zoom link will be sent out for our virtual meeting shortly before your selected date. Other than that, you're all set!!

Kat Mullendore

Willrett Flower Co.

"Jessica's process is so refined and she does such an incredible job guiding her clients through it! I always felt like she really took the time to understand my concepts and ideas. The  intensive definitely made the whole experience feel very customized to my business and personality."

Meagan Cooley

Meadow House Floral Design

"I had one strategy session and felt like it was a great jump start to our re-branding process. The questions that were asked were thoughtful and prompted me to look deeper into my business. The strategy session allowed me to share my thoughts, clarify them, and receive guidance."

Who are the targeted sessions for?

Who is the brand deep dive for?

Do you just meet with local clients?

I'm not sure what I need, can we chat?

The targeted sessions are great for new entrepreneurs and established business owners

New Entrepreneurs: it can be overwhelming with so much information being thrown at you on Pinterest and on podcasts. The targeted strategy sessions will provide a guided roadmap with the best fit for your business. It will also help you bypass the typical hurdles that new entrepreneurs face! 

Established Business Owners: Those plateaus suck. It feels like you're busting your butt without success. The targeted sessions will help you get past the plateau and take your business to the next level!

Who are the targeted sessions for?

Who is the brand deep dive for?

Do you just meet with local clients?

I'm not sure what I need, can we chat?

We’ve created a unique, strategy-based design process that allows us to understand the heart and story behind your business. Through this foundational work, we are able to create a brand solution that truly represents you and attracts more of your ideal clients.

Who are the targeted sessions for?

Who is the brand deep dive for?

Do you just meet with local clients?

I'm not sure what I need, can we chat?

Nope! I meet with entrepreneurs world-wide- thanks to fantastic technology like Zoom. If you aren't local to Lexington, Kentucky we will meet virtually via video call on Zoom. 

In-person strategy sessions can be scheduled for an additional fee.

Who are the targeted sessions for?

Who is the brand deep dive for?

Do you just meet with local clients?

I'm not sure what I need, can we chat?

Of course! I offer free 30-minute initial consultations. During that time we can chat about where you are and what might be the best fit. I can also answer any questions at that time!

book A Consultation

hey y'all

Come sit for a spell on my front porch swing!

Get my best tips on strategy, brand design, and connecting with your dreamy ideal clients- all while living a life you love!

Get my best tips on branding, systemization, and creating a wow experience- all while living a life you love!